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Earthday Resources coined a new word for EarthDay (April 22nd) this year: greenwash ... falsely using environmental values to promote one's own products. In its 'Don't Be Fooled 2003' publication, they report on the top ten companies guilty of greenwashing.... posted on May 01 2003, 1,187 reads


Kindness of strangers. When are people more likely to help someone in a chance encounter on a city street? Researcher Rober Levine finds that small cities are the big winners! Squeezing too many people into too small a space leads, paradoxically enough, to alienation, anonymity and social isolation.... posted on Apr 30 2003, 1,196 reads


He was solving math problems at 14 months, reading and correcting adults' grammar by 2 -- the same age he decided to become a vegetarian. He was explaining photosynthesis to kindergarten classmates at 5. He breezed through 10 grades of school in three years, graduated with honors from high school at 9, founded an international youth advocacy organization, met with prime ministers and presidents, a... posted on Apr 29 2003, 1,569 reads


... posted on Apr 28 2003, 785 reads


... posted on Apr 27 2003, 440 reads


Meditation is fast appearing in unexpected places throughout modern culture. Secretaries do it as part of their daily noon yoga classes. Preadolescent teenagers dropped off at the YMCA by their mothers on a Saturday morning are learning it as part of their karate training. Truck drivers and housewives in the Stress Reduction Programs use it to control hypertension. Prisoners engage in 10 days o... posted on Apr 26 2003, 2,539 reads


What do Australian Aboriginal Grandmothers and Coalminer’s Daughter in West Virginia have in common? They just won the coveted Goldman prize -- often referred to as the Nobel Prize for Environmentalism -- for their grassroots activism.... posted on Apr 25 2003, 1,037 reads


Do you have an idea that will change your community for the good? Are you between 18 and 29? If so, 'Ideas Happen' is willing grant 12 inspired ideas with 25,000 bucks.... posted on Apr 24 2003, 748 reads


It doesn't look like much. A drab, gray piece of plastic, about five inches long and three inches wide. Yet this "simputer" may hold the key to bringing information technology to Third World countries. Among other things, the Simputer will translate text into a local dialect so even illiterate rural communities can leverage the power of web!... posted on Apr 23 2003, 943 reads


She has sold 143 million albums but now this mother of two children is on a quest to find the meaning of life! She's publishing a series of kiddie storybooks, working with scientists who have discovered how to neutralize radiation and plotting to make a documentary about Kabbalah, a religious philosophy based on Jewish mysticism. And she says her songs are about "letting go of illusions and thin... posted on Apr 22 2003, 2,306 reads


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Though the road's been rocky, it sure feels good to me.
-Bob Marley-

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